League Format
You will receive points by playing matches, which will alter the ladder positions each week. Each week (Sunday nights) the computer will update the ladder with the matches that were played during the previous week.
While you do not need to be a USTA member, if you have a USTA rating, you may not play below that level.
Activity Generator
You may play as many times as you wish per week and with anyone on your ladder. As this program is an activity generator, if you choose not to play, you will not receive any points, and therefore, your name will fall on the ladder. You may contact anyone on the ladder —there are no restrictions. You may accept or decline any challenge.
Challenge Date
The Challenge date is the initial point of contact and is used for point calculation. Point Calculation is described under Resources on the Main Menu of the website. If your match is rescheduled for any reason, you would keep the same challenge date.
Location of Match
You and your opponent will decide where and when the match will be played. If you decide to play at your own club, please let your opponent know in advance of any guest fees that may apply. If you don’t inform your opponent of a guest fee, please don’t expect them to pay it upon arrival. When going to meet your opponent, please bring their phone numbers with you in case there is a problem.
Match Play
You will play the best 2 out of 3 sets. However, if both of you mutually agree before the match, a 10-point tiebreak (i.e., first to 10 points by 2) can be played in lieu of the 3rd set. When entering a 3rd set match tiebreak score, enter it as 1-0, NOT the actual point score in the tiebreaker. Both players bring new balls to the match. One can is opened, and the loser takes home the used balls while the winner takes home the unopened can.
Rescheduling a Match
A match will need to be rescheduled in case of rain or darkness. When rescheduling, the challenger is still considered the challenger until the match is played. Any match interrupted by rain, darkness, or being bumped off the court should be played from the point of interruption as soon as you can. Make sure to write down where you left off so there are no disputes.
It is a forfeit if you are more than 15 minutes late for your match. The player giving the forfeit receives no credit for the match. The player receiving the forfeit is considered to have won the match (6-0, 6-0) and receives all credit. The Default box on the Match Scores screen is checked in this case. I understand that there are emergencies, and cancellations will occur. Please give your opponent ample time (1-2 days) if possible to get another match—everyone’s time is valuable. If you need to cancel your match, please reschedule it right away. And when canceling, please CALL your opponent instead of sending an email—some players do not check email that often. If you unaccept a match, you must contact your opponent -- no automatic email is sent. If you don't contact your opponent, and they show up to the match, they win by default. With any last minute cancellation (the day of the scheduled match), your opponent has the right to accept a forfeit (please offer it). If you are a “no show”, you will automatically give your opponent a forfeit.
If you get injured during a match and cannot complete the match, your opponent will complete the score by “winning” the rest of the games. Do not use the incomplete score and do not check the “default box”.
If you accept a proposal that has a time and location, you must show up at that location whether it is confirmed by your opponent or not. Likewise, if you put out a proposal with a time and location, and it is accepted, you must show up for the match or it is a forfeit. If you accept a proposal without a location specified, you both must confirm with each other. If you change your mind about playing a match, make sure you delete that proposal (so no one accepts it), and if it has been accepted, make sure to inform your opponent.
If you get injured or otherwise cannot play during the season without playing any matches, you will receive a one time credit for the following season.
Email addresses
Email addresses are used for Terri's Tennis Ladder play ONLY — no personal non-ladder purposes are allowed.
Rules and Regulations
Please follow THE CODE from the USTA. All USTA rules apply, but these matches are set up for fun so use fair player discretion in all matches. Players can decide which matches to accept so please keep that in mind.
Please see for the Code.
Multiple Divisions
While you may play in as many ladders as you choose, you will only be able to participate in two (at the most) ladders during the playoffs. The playoff tournament has a limited amount of time allowed by the Parks.
4 Player Teams
You may have 2, 3, or 4 players on a men's or women's doubles team (mixed doubles is limited to 3 players). Any 4 player team can only play one match per day.
This is an adult league. You must be at least 18 years of age to play.
Terri’s Tennis Ladder reserves the right to refuse membership or rescind existing membership for disruptive behavior or for any other reason.